Learn more about International House in Brixton
Over 14 years repurposing & reactivating
We’re an established charity which has been designing, building and managing high quality affordable space since 2010.
We are experts at repurposing buildings and reactivating places.
We’ve operated over 45 buildings owned by local government, central government and other well known landlords such as Grosvenor Estates, Derwent London and Barclays.
We’re an interface between private businesses, civil society, start-ups, charities, culture and creation
AKOU have developed this model showing the impact of these relationships at International House in Brixton. The map shows how organisations at 3Space are connected to each other, the strength of the relationship and how they collaborate. You can view the work in progress on the network map here
Our aim is to lower the barrier of entry to cities, to create the conditions for flourishing hubs of enterprise and creativity. We create long lasting connections and networks.
A 3Space building is a place where a 4 person business scales to 130 employees in 2 years and where a 3 person startup grows and sells for £25 million.
Charities have started with us and gone on to tackle the world's biggest social and environmental problems such as climate change, reducing electronic waste, supporting refugees into jobs, youth support and overcoming mental health challenges.
It’s where artists and makers design and develop new products, and where those working in culture get their first break.
Crazy ideas are welcomed and innovation flourishes.
We never forget to provide a home for the local civil society functions, which are often overlooked, but fundamental to great places.
The connections formed between these diverse businesses and community initiatives is a hallmark of our BuyGiveWork approach.

Our cross subsidy operating model supports what matters,
Genuinely affordable space at the right size and shape for those that make a place.
"15 times the social value of a typical office"
— A recent study of our Space for Public Good approach showed that 3Space International House project delivered similar job numbers, but £413 per sqm of social value vs £27 per sqm from an equivalent proposed new development.

Where meanwhile use gets exciting is when it offers a future in which cities can conjure - and most importantly maintain - diverse and sustainable communities simply through more efficient use of existing building assets.
“We believe some of the models typically pioneered by temporary uses are the permanent response that cities need right now.”
Andrew Cribb, Co-Founder & CEO
Our Values
3Space delivers a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and respected.
3Space creates a community where individuals and businesses work together towards common goals. Create opportunities for interaction and dialogue to strengthen relationships and build a loyal community.
3Space is an expert at repurposing buildings and reactivating places, and we do that to deliver 'Spaces for Good' —a space for everyone.
Who we work with
We’re looking for new sites
We’re trusted by landlords such as Grosvenor, Derwent, Barclays bank, FORE Partnership, Central Government and LB Lambeth.
3Space uses its significant and practical asset management experience to operate (often unloved) buildings in a ‘doing more with less’, practical way. We are able to work within development cycles, but are more than meanwhile, and we have the flexibility to adapt our model to each place.
We’re looking for new sites in cities, town centres and high streets. We’re able to bring experience, our network, capital and a sustainable business model to support your vision.
We’re happy to discuss your property, email us below.
Recognition from 2011-2020.